I’m Pauline Theon. I’m 30 years old
and I have decided to go into something that people could call
utopia: to make a living from my passion.
That may seems a little insignificant but… since my childhood I have
been immersed in the photography world. My mum has been in so much
pain to not have a picture of herself as a child that she snapped
away at my 3 big brothers and I. Without being really aware of
it/noticing it, it quickly became my means of expression, as I was
not a good talker, I add images to my fears, my pleasures, my
dreams… a bunch of feelings that you know too. I started with a
Polaroid camera and with the old familial video camera that must be
the same size as my head back then.Then, I improved myself towards a
digital camera without ever leaving the analogue camera of course!
Today, it is my job. It took me some time to get into photography,
to gain confidence in myself and be daring. By the way, to gain that
confidence, well… I posed in front of other photographers. To have
another self-image is essential and can really help you, there is
nothing egocentric in this approach, believe me. Think about
yourself! I’m attentive and I adapt myself.
I can’t wait to see you so I hope that my approach and sensibility
will resound in you.